Web Design Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Web Design - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Section 1
Creating New Files & Designing on a Grid
- Creating a new file
- Setting up artboards
- Importing text
- Creating colored backgrounds for text
Importing & Cropping Photos
- Importing a photo as an image fill (crop a photo)
- Rounding corners
Vector Graphics, Colors, Shadows, & More
- Importing & modifying vector graphics
- Aligning & distributing layers
- Layer opacity vs. fill opacity
- Reusing colors (color swatches)
- Adding a drop shadow
Character Styles
- Creating & Editing Character Styles
Section 2
Repeat Grids
- Creating a Repeat Grid
- Customizing the content
- Adjusting the design
Components (Reusable Elements)
- Creating & editing components
- Overriding content in one instance vs. globally updating all components
- Detaching from a component
- Components versus Repeat Grids
Turning a Design into a Clickable Prototype
- Linking between artboards Previewing the prototype Creating an overlay Background blur Fixing the position of elements so they don’t scroll Making a recording of a prototype
Exporting Assets for Web: SVG, JPEG, & PNG
- Exporting individual assets Exporting artboards
Sharing XD Files (For Review, Developers, etc.)
- Sharing an XD file Commenting on shared files Pinning a comment Updating an existing shared file Sharing for Development
Section 3
Stacks, Padding, & Responsive Resize
- Creating a Stack & Adjusting the Spacing Rearranging & Adding Items to a Stack Responsive Resize, Stacks, & Padding Keystrokes for Working with Stacks & Padding Nesting Stacks (Stacks Within Stacks)
Linking Up/Down a Page & Scrollable Areas
- Making Links that Scroll Up/Down a Page Making the Navbar Fixed to the Screen Adjusting the Position & Speed of the Scroll Creating a Scrollable Area Within a Page
Intro to Auto-Animate
- The Basics of Auto-Animate Different Kinds of Easing Adding a Timed Animation
Parallax Animation
- Setting Up the Parallax Assets
- Building the Parallax Animation
Component States (Hover & More)
- Adding a Hover State to a Button
- Custom Component States
Section 4
Creating 3D Transforms
- Adding 3D Transforms Front to Back versus Z Position
Adding Interactions to a Slideshow: Tap, Drag, & Keys
- Creating a Working Slideshow Prototype
- Adding Tap Interactions
- Adding the Ability to Drag
- Adding Keystrokes
Time Interactions & Adding Audio (Sound Effects)
- Adding a Drag Interaction
- Adding a Time Interaction
- Adding a Sound Effect
- Adding a Keystroke
Linked Components & Shared Libraries
- Linked Components
- Shared Libraries
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
HTML - Introduction
- Web Development Introduction
- History of HTML
- HTML Tags and Attributes
- HTML Tag vs. Element
Basic Formatting Tags
- HTML Basic Tags
- HTML Head Tag
- HTML Meta Tag
- HTML Formatting Tags
- HTML Color Coding
- Unordered Lists
- Ordered Lists
- Definition list
- Image and Image Mapping
- URL - Uniform Resource Locator
- URL Encoding
- Title
- Base
- Link
- Styles
- Script
- Meta
HTML5 forms
- Introduction to HTML5 forms
- Accessible forms
- New Input types
- New forms attributes
- Form validation
- Basics of HTML5 canvas
- Immediate drawing mode: rectangles, text, images, etc.
- Path drawing mode: lines, circles, arcs, curves, etc.
- Colors, gradients, patterns, shadows, etc.
- Working with SVG in HTML5
HTML5 animations
- Basic animation techniques
- Canvas and user interaction
- Working with pixels
- Understanding transforms
- Introduction to HTML5 APIs
- The Web Storage API
- Form validation API
- The File API
- The Geolocation API
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
- Overview of Photoshop and its applications
- Introduction to the workspace:
- Toolbar, options bar, panels, and canvas
- Setting up a new document and file formats
- Basic navigation: Zoom, pan, and rotate view
- Saving and exporting projects
- Understanding layers and the Layers panel
- Layer types: Text, adjustment, and shape layers
- Using selection tools:
- Marquee, Lasso, and Quick Selection tools
- Refine Edge and Select Subject
- Basic masking techniques
- Adjusting brightness, contrast, and levels
- Color corrections: Hue/Saturation and Color Balance
- Using Adjustment Layers for non-destructive editing
- Introduction to filters and smart filters
- Sharpening and blurring images
- Healing Brush, Spot Healing Brush, and Patch tools
- Clone Stamp tool
- Content-Aware Fill and Move
- Removing unwanted objects from images
- Basic portrait retouching techniques
- Adding text and using the Type tool
- Formatting text: Fonts, sizes, and styles
- Working with paragraph and character panels Applying text effects: Drop shadows, strokes, and gradients
- Typographic layouts and text on paths
- Introduction to the Pen Tool for paths and shapes
- Applying layer styles and blending modes
- Using gradients and patterns
- Introduction to brushes and custom brushes
- Creating basic photo manipulations
- Planning and executing a creative project
- Reviewing core tools and concepts
- Tips and best practices for Photoshop workflows
- Feedback on student projects
Module 1: Introduction to Photoshop (2 Hours)
Objective: Understand the basics of Photoshop, its interface, and core tools.
Practical: Create and save a simple document with basic shapes.
Module 2: Working with Layers and Selections (2 Hours)
Objective: Master layers, layer properties, and selection tools.
Practical: Create a composition using multiple images and adjust layer opacity.
Module 3: Image Adjustments and Enhancements (3 Hours)
Objective: Learn to enhance photos using adjustments and filters.
Practical: Enhance a photograph by correcting color and applying filters.
Module 4: Retouching and Repairing Images (2 Hours)
Objective: Use retouching tools for professional image editing.
Practical: Remove blemishes and unwanted objects from a provided image.
Module 5: Text and Typography (2 Hours)
Objective: Add and manipulate text for graphic design purposes.
Practical: Create a poster with creative text effects.
Module 6: Creative Tools and Special Effects (2 Hours)
Objective: Explore creative possibilities with Photoshop tools and techniques.
Practical: Design a surreal photo manipulation using multiple tools.
Module 7: Final Project and Review (2 Hours)
Objective: Consolidate learning by applying all techniques in a final project.
Practical: Complete a final project (e.g., a social media post, flyer, or edited photo).
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
- HTML structure and content
- Advantages of CSS
- Creating and using style sheets
- CSS Rules: The Basic Syntax
CSS Boxes and CSS Selectors
- The CSS box model
- CSS and logical HTML structure
- Styling boxes, borders, margins, and padding
- Using IE6 standards mode
- Sh4ecifying CSS distances
- and many other CSS techniques
Fonts and Text
- Using custom fonts
- Font properties
- Web font formats
- Type Kit, font squirrel
Text Formatting in CSS
- Fundamentals of text formatting
- Typefaces, alternatives, and defaults
- Font characteristics
- Formatting blocks of text
- Using arbitrary inline tags
CSS Selectors and Selections
- Using HTML element IDs in CSS
- Using CSS descendant selectors
- Descendant selector examples
- Child, sibling, and pseudo-class selectors
- And many other CSS techniques.
CSS positioning
- Choosing the right CSS
- Technique for positioning blocks
- The position property, floats, and margins
- Static positioning and normal flow
- Absolute positioning outside normal flow
- Fixed positioning outside normal flow
CSS page Layout
- Alternative methods of CSS positioning
- Styling lists
- Redefining the behaviour of inline and block elements
- Table formatting in CSS
- Styling table cell borders
- page layout with table dish4lay properties
Cascade, precedence, Specificity, and Inheritance in CSS
- Cascading and cascade order
- Resolving style conflicts by Origin & Importance
- Resolving style conflicts by Specificity & Order
CSS Layers and Translucency
- Different forms of layered presentations in CSS
- Layering with the z-index property
- Different methods for creating translucency effects
- The CSS3 opacity property
Using CSS in the Real World
- Deploying CSS
- CSS formatting vs. HTML formatting
- Standard tags and semantic markup
- Screen size and fluid design
- Table layout and CSS positioning
- Cross-platform testing
Useful CSS Tips
- Usage of CSS Sprites
- Pseudo Selectors
- CSS Minify
- Cheat Sheet for CSS3
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
Section 1: Introduction to Canva
- Welcome to Canva!
- Logging / Setup Canva Account
- Layouts & Templates
- Get you setup with your Canva & account
- Tour of your dashboard
- Learn about the different types of templates Canva has
- Learn how to use the pre-designed layouts
- Downloading your work
- Working with text
- Photo backgrounds & Shapes
- Illustrations, icons and lines
- Adding pages to a design
- Image
- Text features and Charts
- Album cover
- Youtube thumbnail
- Twitter header
- Facebook post
- Ebook cover
- Documents
- Data and charts
- Presentation slides
Section 2: Fonts, Colors, and Images
- Typography and font pairing
- Using icons effectively
- Organising the dashboard
- Sharing designs
- Adding links
- Upgrading to Canva for Work
- Brand colors
- Custom filter codes
- Color codes
- Color scheme
- Introduction to the color wheel; creating a color palette
- How to use grids; transparency; photo filters
Section 4: Advanced Topics
- Brand Kit
- Magic Resize
- Paid Elements
- Folders for Elements
- Background Remover
- Teams, Exporting and Scheduling
- Learn more advanced techniques
- Learn how to create a logo from scratch
- Learn how upload your own graphics, logos, images
- Learn how to organize your designs
- See where I go to purchase stock photography
- Videos Overview / Editing
- Video Tools
- Animations
- Animated Presentations
- Adding Music
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
- Bootstrap
- Get Started
- What is Bootstrap?
- Bootstrap History
- Why Use Bootstrap?
- Where to get Bootstrap?
- Downloading Bootstrap
- Bootstrap CDN
- Create First Web Page with Bootstrap
- Add the HTML5 Doctype
- Bootstrap is Mobile First
- Containers
- Basic Bootstrap Pages
- Bootstrap Grids
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Grid Classes
- Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid
- Equal Columns
- Unequal Columns
- Bootstrap Text / Typography
- Bootstrap Default Settings
- Bootstrap vs. Browser Defaults
- Bootstrap Tag Elements
- Contextual Colors and
- Background
- Typography Classes
- Bootstrap Table
- Rounded Corners
- Circle
- Thumbnail
- Responsive Images
- Image Gallery
- Responsive Embeds
- Bootstrap Jumbotron and Page Header
- Creating a Jumbotron
- Jumbotron inside Container
- Jumbotron outside Container
- Creating a Page Header
- Bootstrap Wells
- Wells
- Well Size
- Bootstrap Alerts
- Alerts
- Closing Alerts
- Animated Alerts
- Bootstrap Buttons
- Button Style
- Button Sizes
- Block Level Buttons
- Active /Disable Buttons
- Bootstrap Glyphicons
- Glyphicons
- Glyphicons Syntax
- Glyphicon Example
- Bootstrap Badges and Labels
- Badges
- Labels
- Bootstraps Progress Bars
- Basic Progress Bar
- Progress Bar with Label
- Colored Progress Bars
- Striped Progress Bars
- Bootstrap Pagination
- Basic Pagination
- Active State
- Disabled State
- Pagination Sizing
- Bootstrap Pager
- What is Pager?
- Align Buttons
- Bootstrap List Groups
- Basic list Groups
- List Group with Badges
- List Group with Linked Items
- Contextual Classes
- Custom Content
- Bootstrap Panels
- Panels
- Panel Heading
- Panel Footer
- Panel Group
- Panel with Contextual Classes
- Bootstrap Dropdowns
- Basic Dropdown
- Dropdown Driver
- Dropdown Header
- Disable an Item
- Dropdown Accessibility
- Bootstrap Collapse
- Basic Collapsible
- Example Explained
- Collapsible Panel
- Collapsible List Group
- Accordion
- Bootstrap Tabs and Pills Menus
- Tabs
- Tabs with Dropdown Menu
- Pills
- Vertical Pills
- Vertical Pills in Row
- Pills with Dropdown Menu
- Centered Tabs and Pills
- Toggle/Dynamic Tabs
- Toggle/Dynamic Pills
- Bootstrap Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bars
- Inverted Navigation Bar
- Fixed Navigation Bar
- Navigation Bars with Dropdown
- Right Aligned Navigation Bar
- Collapsing the Navigation Bar
- Bootstrap Forms
- Bootstrap Default Settings
- Bootstrap Form Layouts
- Bootstrap Vertical Form
- Bootstrap Inline Form
- Bootstrap Horizontal Form
- Bootstrap Form Inputs
- Supported Form Controls
- Bootstrap Input
- Bootstrap Text area
- Bootstrap Checkboxes
- Bootstrap Radio Buttons
- Bootstrap Select List
- Bootstrap Form Inputs (More)
- Static Control
- Bootstrap Form Control States
- Bootstrap Input Sizing
- Input Sizing in Forms
- Height Sizing
- Column Sizing
- Help Text
- Bootstrap Carousel Plugin
- The Carousel Plugin
- How to Create a Carousel
- Add Captions to Slides
- Bootstrap Model Plugin
- The Model Plugin
- Hoe to Create a Model
- Model Size
- Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin
- The Tooltip Plugin
- How to Create Tooltip
- Positioning Tooltips
- Bootstrap Popover Plugin
- The Popover Plugin
- How to Create a Popover
- Positioning Popovers
- Closing Popovers
- Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin (Advanced)
- The Scrollspy Plugin
- How to Create a Scrollspy
- Scrollspy Vertical Menu
- Bootstrap Case
- Build a Bootstrap Web Page
- From Scratch
- Add Bootstrap CDN and Put
- Elements in Containers
- Add Jumbotron
- Adding button and icons
- Multicolumn Layout
- Adding Menus Tabs
- Adding Navigation bars
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates
Domain Name Registration
- Search Domains
- Top Level Domains (TLD)
- Country wise domains
- Domain name registrations
- Sub Domains
Web Server Settings
- How to Choose Web server?
- Dedicated Server, Shared Server, VPS Hosting & Cloud Hosting
- Basics of Web Server Control Panel
- DNS Settings
- Web Server Performance
- Add on Primary Domains
- Create sub domains
FTP Software Installations
- FTP Software
- FTP Software Installation
- FTP Configuration
- How to use FTP Software
- Upload / Download files using FTP Software
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates